
How Can I Create a Blog on Facebook

Want to make money on Facebook, but you're not sure where to start? Don't worry, I have got you covered. I will show you how to create a blog on Facebook and earn money.

Is it possible to make money on Facebook? Yes.

There are more than 2 billion monthly active Facebook users, with 1.37 billion actively using the social network on a daily basis.

So there are a lot of opportunities to make money online or from home on Facebook. All you need is to take action. A step in the right direction.

What is this step?

Well, this is what this article is going to dwell on.

This article will look at the following aspects:

  • How to create a blog on Facebook
  • The types of blog you can start on Facebook
  • The two methods of creating blog posts on Facebook
  • How to format your blog posts
  • How to make money with your Facebook blog
  • Pros and cons of using Facebook blog

If you are ready, let's get started.


  • How To Start a Blog On Facebook
    • Three Ways Of How To Start a Blog On Facebook
  • How To Blog On Facebook
    • How To Blog Using Facebook Posts
    • How to Blog Using Facebook Notes
    • Creating a Blog Post Using Facebook Notes
    • Formatting a Facebook Note Blog Post
  • How To Make Money On Facebook
    • 1. Include Ads In Your Videos
    • 2. Affiliate Marketing: How To Make Money On Facebook Through Affiliate Marketing
    • 3. Sell Your Products On The Facebook Marketplace
    • 4. Sell Your Services
  • Pros Of Using Facebook Blog
  • Cons Of Using Facebook Blog
  • Conclusion

How To Start a Blog On Facebook

There are two ways to blog on Facebook. The first one is through Facebook posts, which works best for short posts. The second way to blog directly on the social channel is through Facebook Notes, which allows you to create simple yet attractive longer blog posts that are easy for your followers to read.

Three Ways Of How To Start a Blog On Facebook

  1. Personal Facebook Profile

You start blogging on your personal Facebook profile. Simply add the people that you are targeting. When you post something, they will be able to see your posts. You will have unlimited followers though you will be allowed to add 500 friends.

How To Create a Personal Facebook Profile

  • Register a Facebook account.

Click "Sign Up" on the homepage, write your first name in the first box and your last name in the second box.

Next, enter your valid phone number in the box below.

Enter a password of your choice, your sex, and your birthday.

  • Confirm your phone number.

Facebook will send a confirmation email to your email account. Login to your email account. Check your message inbox, copy the code and paste it into the box below.

  • Find friends

Facebook will find your friends. Choose the ones you want to add by ticking the boxes to the left of their pictures and then click Add to Friends at the bottom.

  • Join a regional network.

On your Facebook setup homepage, there is an option to enter a city or town. Put in your home city and click Join. Joining a regional network makes it easier for you to find your friends.

  • Edit your profile.

To edit your profile, click on the My Profile button. Here you find sections that are empty. Fill in those you think are important.

  • Add a profile picture.

Click on the Picture tab to upload a picture from your computer so that it serves as a profile picture. Then click Use Picture to confirm.

  • Add a Cover picture.

A cover is the larger image at the top of your Page, right above your Page's profile picture. Click Add a Cover and then choose whether you want to upload a new photo from one of your existing photo albums.

Once you choose a photo, you can reposition it by clicking on the image and dragging it up or down, and then click Save after you've repositioned it.

2. Facebook Business Page

You can also create a Facebook business page and use it as a blog. I recommend you use this as it has a host of advantages ranging from advertising, appointment functionality to e-commerce features. However, it only becomes useful if you are serious and have a long-term plan.

How To Create a Facebook Business Page

1: Sign up

Select the type of page you want to create:

  • business or
  • community

Next, enter your business information.

For category, write a sentence or sentences that describe your business. Facebook will suggest some options.

In an event that your business falls into more than one category, choose the one common one that customers will associate you with.

2. Add Pictures

Upload profile and cover images for your Facebook page. Make sure the photos you choose are associated with your brand and can easily be identified with your business.

First, upload your profile image. This image accompanies your business name in search results and when you interact with users. It also appears on the top left of your Facebook page.

Your Facebook profile picture displays at 170 x 170 pixels on a desktop and 128 x 128 pixels on mobile. Once you've chosen a great photo, click Upload Profile Picture.

Next, choose your cover image which is the most important image on your Facebook business page.

It should show what your business is all about. It displays at 820 x 312 pixels on a desktop and 640 x 360 pixels on mobile.

So your image must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall though the recommended size to upload is 720 x 315 pixels.

Once you've selected an appropriate image, click Upload Cover Photo.

3: Create your username

In this case, a username is simply the URL that tells people where to find you on Facebook.

A username can be over 45 characters long. It should be something easy to type and easy to remember. Click Create Page @Username in the left menu to set up your vanity URL.

Click Create Username when you're done. A box will pop up showing you the links people can use to connect with your business on Facebook and Messenger.

4: Add your business details

Fill out all the fields in your Facebook Page's About section right from the start.

Customers are curious to know who you are and what you do. So the About section is the first place they visit.

To start filling out your business details, click Edit Page Info in the top menu. From this screen, you can share all the important information about your business.

After choosing your category, the box will expand to ask for a few more details. Details such as your address and phone number. You can choose whether to make this information public or private.

When you're ready, click Continue.

You are good to go in your quest how to create a blog on Facebook and earn money.

  • Facebook Group

If you are not comfortable with the first and second options, then you can create your Facebook blog using a Facebook group.

How To Create a Facebook Group with your personal profile

Go to the Facebook Groups page here.

1: Click "Create New Group"

Once you're on the Facebook Groups page, go ahead and click "Create New Group" on the left:

2: Add a Group Name

When you click "Create New Group", a popup will appear.

This popup contains a form that you need to complete to create your new Group.

The first field in the form asks you for the name of your new Group.

Make sure your group name should be relevant to the topic of your Group.

3: Choose Your Privacy Setting

Once you've chosen a Group name, the next step is to choose your privacy setting.

There are two options available here.

Public: anyone on Facebook can see what is in the group.

Private: only Group members can see who's in the Group.

Choosing the Group's privacy setting is probably the most important choice you'll make while creating your group.

This is because it limits what you can change down the road.

4: Choose Your Visibility Setting

After choosing your privacy setting, the next step is to choose your visibility setting for your new Group.

This is also known as the "Hide Group" setting:

If you choose "Visible",  then anyone on Facebook can find the Group.

If you choose "Hidden" then only members can find the Group and they need to be invited to join by the Group admin.

So only private Groups can be hidden.

5: Select Friends To Add To Your New Group

The last step is to add your first Group members:

Facebook will suggest people from your own friend's list and also recommend more relevant friends as soon as you start choosing.

You are required to add at least 1 friend to the group before you can create it. So if you don't, you may get an error message.

You will automatically be added as a member of your new Group too.

6: Click "Create"

Just click the "Create" button.

You've just created a Facebook Group with your personal profile.

How To Blog On Facebook

Facebook offers you two ways you use to blog on Facebook.

So what are these two ways of blogging directly on Facebook?

  • Facebook posts. This is ideal if you write short posts.
  • Facebook notes. This is suitable for Facebook bloggers who wish to write some long blog posts.

How To Blog Using Facebook Posts

On Facebook, short posts tend to perform well especially if they are accompanied by a video just to spice them.

Because of this phenomenon, Facebook is the ideal platform to share short videos, images, and text-based content. Of course, you need to publish content that people are looking for.

Therefore, to be a successful blogger on Facebook, you have to understand your audience and establish what they want from you. Experiment with different post types and lengths. Then, do more of what works best for your followers.

How to Blog Using Facebook Notes

When you add Facebook notes, you can write blog posts just like the ordinary blog posts that all bloggers write on the paid blogging platforms like WordPress.

Adding Facebook Notes to a Facebook Page

By default, your Facebook page doesn't have active Facebook notes. Therefore, you need to activate it. So click on your Page Settings tab on your Facebook page administrator's screen.

Once you've opened your Page Settings screen, go to the Templates and Tabs menu option on the left sidebar.

After clicking on the Templates and Tabs menu, several options will appear, and one of them is Notes. Move the slider over to the right to turn the Notes function on for your Facebook page.

Creating a Blog Post Using Facebook Notes

What Are Facebook Notes?

The Facebook note is a simple text editor used to type documents or blog entries on Facebook. Notes allow you to write full-length posts with formatting, tagging, and pictures.

Use Notes to publish content that is too long to post to your wall or that requires formatting. The Notes feature link appears under your profile picture on the left side of your home page.

At the bottom of the editor are buttons that allow you to perform publish, save, preview or discard the Note.

How To Access Notes

To access Notes,

  • Click the Notes link on the left side of your home page.
  • If you do not see it, click "More."
  • Select "My Notes" and then click "Write a Note." Enter a title for your document or blog post. Write and format the content using the toolbar.
  • To add pictures, click "Add a photo" and click "Browse" to locate and upload an image.
  • Click "Preview" to see what it looks like.
  • If you want to start over, click 'Discard."
  • To pause and resume work later, click "Save Draft."

However, don't forget to set the privacy level before you publish your post.

After you use the Notes application, you should see it in the future under the Apps header on your Profile page, without having to click through to the Apps page.

  • Click the Write a Note button at the upper right of the page.
  • A blank note appears.
  • In the Title field, type the title of your Note.
  • In the Body field, start writing about whatever interests you.

Once you are logged in as an administrator. Go to your homepage on Facebook where you'll see your Facebook feature tabs. In case you can't see Notes in your tabs, then click on the down arrow next to the More tab, and Notes will appear.

When you click on Notes from your tabs bar you'll see the following:

So to add a new blog post via Notes, simply click on the "+Add Note" button in the top right corner. Once you do this, a blank template will appear. You will use this template to create your blog post.

Formatting a Facebook Note Blog Post

Facebook notes give you a host of tools to help you create appealing blog posts. However, most of the formatting tools show up only when you start typing.

So you can add an image, a title, and then your blog post content. But the current date is automatically added to your post. You have the choice to delete, save, or publish your Facebook Note.

You can save posts and come back and continue writing or editing later, and when you're ready, you can then publish them.

The optimal featured image dimensions for Facebook Notes are 1200 by 445 pixels. Since your featured image will appear in your followers' feeds and will determine how many will be curious to read your post, it's critical to choose a great image.

Facebook Notes allows you to add images and HTML code to your blog posts. You can also embed videos, gifts, and links to content on other sites to your Facebook Notes.

Blog post-text-formatting options are shown when you click on the paragraph icon. You can adjust headline sizes or add bulleted lists and quotes to your blog articles. You can also bold and italicize your text.

After you click the Publish button,  only a short sample of the text for your blog post will appear in your followers' feeds. Your fans will need to click "See More" to read your full blog post.

How To Import and Export Blogs

If you want to import an external blog you own to your Facebook account, import your blog entries into Notes.

  • Navigate to the Facebook Import a Blog page. Type your blog's Web address in the "Web URL" box.
  • Click the Terms of Service check box to agree to the terms and click "Start Importing." Facebook imports all previous posts from your blog as Notes and automatically imports new ones in the future.
  • When you import blog entries, the posts are visible to everybody, no matter how your Notes' privacy settings are set.
  • Facebook uses the blog's RSS feed to import these posts, and RSS feeds have no visibility restrictions.

To edit or delete any of your existing notes, simply:

  • Select the title of the note followed by the Edit button in the top right corner.
  • From there, you can make changes and update your note's content, change the privacy settings on it, or delete it by selecting the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

How To Add Notes To a Page

Step 1: Open your Facebook page as a page admin.

Step 2: Click the arrow in the page's Apps section to add additional blank boxes.

Step 3: Click the "+" symbol on a blank box to open a drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click "Notes" to add the Notes application.

After you finish writing, click Preview to view what your note will look like when published. Or click Save Draft if you want to come back to the Note later.

Preview opens a preview of the Note, so you can have one last glance-over before you publish it. If you're unhappy with your preview, click the Edit button to return to the Create Note screen.

You can come back to your draft at any time by clicking the My Drafts menu item. You'll see this on the left column of the page when you come to the Notes tab of your Profile.

When you're happy with your Note, click Publish.

Facebook options available are:

Public: Everyone on Facebook can see this note.

Friends: Only your friends can see this note.

Custom: This opens the customize privacy dialog box, which allows you to select specific people who can and cannot see this note.

How To Post Images In a Note

Step 1: Click the Notes box to open your Notes page.

Step 2: Click "Write a Note" to create a new note.

Step 3: Type the post's text.

Ste 4: Click "Add a Photo" to open the photo uploading pane.

Step 5: Click "Choose a File" to launch the Open dialog box.

Step 6: Navigate to and select a photo to upload it and add the following code to your post's body:

Step 7: Repeat the previous two steps with your other photos.

Step 8: Move each photo's code to set the photo's position within the note's body.

Step 9: Click "Publish."

How To Make Money On Facebook

If you want to create a blog on Facebook and earn money, be assured that Facebook has monetization tools to help individuals and organizations generate steady income over time.

However, you must be eligible to monetize your content. Monetization eligibility requirements apply to any Facebook tools that allow you to make money from your content.

To check your eligibility status and learn how to apply:

  • Head to Creator Studio > Monetisation overview
  • Go to the Facebook section in Creator Studio.
  • Select the Monetisation tab, then click Overview.

Only Facebook Pages are eligible to use in-stream ads. You're eligible for in-stream ads if you are 18 years or older and meet the following criteria.

You must be in an available country and language. Here's the list of supported countries ( and more information on eligibility).

There are a few different ways you can monetize content on Facebook:

1. Include Ads In Your Videos

Using in-stream ads will help creators earn money by including short ads before, during, or after your videos.

Your videos must be at least one minute long. If your content is longer than three minutes, it should have a natural break after a minute.

Facebook automatically identifies natural breaks in content to place ads, or you can choose where to place the ads yourself.

Creators get a share of the revenue from the video ads shown to their viewers. Viewers must view the entire ad to continue watching a video.

Your earnings are determined by these variables:

  • the number of video views, and
  • who the advertisers are.

Types Of In-stream Ads

There are three types of in-stream ads you can place in your videos namely pre-roll, mid-roll, and image ads.

Pre-roll ads

Pre-roll ads play before your video starts. They are shown to people who actively seek out the content. So the more viewers that seek out the content, the more payouts you receive.

Mid-roll ads

Mid-roll ads play during your video. They work best within a video that has natural breakpoints. So as a content creator, program your content for mid-roll ads.

Image ads

Image ads are static image ads that are displayed under the content. They enable you to earn money from videos that don't have a good place for mid-roll ads.

What are the benefits of using Facebook in-stream ads?

With Facebook in-stream ads, you can maximize your earnings while you focus on what you do best by making great content.

  • In-stream ads give creators a sustainable revenue model. Incorporate ads in new or existing Facebook videos, and earn money.
  • Save time and let Facebook automatically detect natural spots for in-stream ads with automatic placement.
  • In-stream ads provide a good experience for your viewers, who like longer content with fewer breaks.

2. Affiliate Marketing: How To Make Money On Facebook Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the business of promoting a product or a service to other people for a commission.

Whenever you refer customers to a merchant website through the affiliate link and buys a product, the affiliate gets a financial reward called commission.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable money-making strategies on Facebook. So create a blog on Facebook and earn money.

To make money on the platform, you need to:

Promote a product or service on your personal page.

Take the following steps:

Create a Facebook group

Create a Facebook account for affiliate marketing.

Pick a Profitable Niche

A niche is simply the topic your content will be centered on. Choosing a profitable niche is the first step to success in any type of affiliate marketing, Facebook inclusive. This is important if you want to create a blog on Facebook and earn money.

Write Useful Content

Write content and updates with different affiliate links. Constantly check how the content is fairing.

Try to provide useful posts so that when people go to your group page and see that you promote a variety of different things, they'll trust you.

This can yield positive results if you do it alongside a website. If you don't have a website, read my guide on how to start a blog and why you should create a blog.

Join An Affiliate program Or Network

Make money on your Facebook blog through affiliate marketing. Find products that are related to what you write about. Write blog posts that promote other people's products. The intention is to make them buy the products.

Post a link on your Facebook wall, which contains a code and an embedded affiliate id. Every time someone clicks on the links and purchases the product, the company pays you a commission.

Know the locations of the people you're targeting so that you can promote the right types of products and services to them.

Create great content your followers will find useful. Join Facebook groups in your niche and share valuable information in them.

Create your own Facebook group and encourage users to communicate and share knowledge in it.

Make sure you disclose your affiliate links.

Use such URL shortener tools as Bitly to make your affiliate links look smart.

The more people click your affiliate links, the more money you make.

3. Sell Your Products On The Facebook Marketplace

This Marketplace is a free-for-all and allows people to buy, sell, or trade almost anything in your local area.

The Facebook Marketplace can be accessed by anyone. So if you share your post with your friends and followers, you may just make their day. Show them what they have been wanting to see.

For example, if you sell T-shirts, create a blog and write topics around the products you sell. You need to incorporate images of the T-shirts. Clothes you no longer wear.

You can also make money with affiliate marketing.

4. Sell Your Services

If you have something of value to offer, then don't hesitate. Find out the best way of offering the service so that you will realize money from your knowledge or skills.

For example, if you are knowledgeable in a particular field of knowledge, you can set up a consulting business.

Pros Of Using Facebook Blog

  • It's free of charge

You don't need to pay a dime to create a blog on Facebook. There's no need to get a domain name and hosting.

  • There are many followers on Facebook

You do not develop a headache trying to figure out how to drive readers to blog posts.

This is because Facebook already has a huge active base of users that includes nearly all ages.

  • Facebook on blogging is easy

You don't need to take any course. It's easy to get started blogging on Facebook. There is nothing technical.

  • Higher visibility chances

Since Facebook wants you to keep your followers on their platform instead of sending them to another site. So your post may be visible to many people.

Cons Of Using Facebook Blog

  • You won't have full control

Facebook will require you to abide by their guidelines. If you don't, Facebook may block or completely delete your account.

  • One source traffic

Monetizing your blog may be a challenge. Because you will only have traffic from one source which is Facebook.


Facebook Groups can be useful if you sell information products. You can set up a group, encouraging members to help each other and share ideas.

So to make money on Facebook using your page, you need to create and share content that people value on a regular basis on your Facebook blog.

How Can I Create a Blog on Facebook


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